Written by: @ryan1
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@ryan1· 3 days ago
Computer Engineering major
  1. Interview
  1. Technical

It turned into a work meeting!

 I had a technical interview for a developer role at a cool startup. I wanted to make sure I stood out, not just with my skills but also by being myself.

The interview began with the usual coding challenges and technical questions. I was pretty confident since I had practiced similar problems a lot. Then they asked me to design a system on the whiteboard. I decided to walk through my thought process out loud. I talked about the pros and cons of different approaches, why I chose specific data structures, and how I would handle potential issues like scaling and security.

What I didn’t expect was the interviewer’s reaction. They were super engaged, asking follow-up questions, and even started a bit of a friendly debate on some design choices. Instead of just solving the problem, it turned into a collaborative brainstorming session.

At one point, I suggested an innovative solution that they hadn’t considered. We discussed it in detail, and by the end of the interview, they seemed genuinely excited about the idea. They even said it was something they might explore further.

Fast forward a few days, I got the job! 🎉 One of the interviewers later told me that my ability to communicate clearly, think on my feet, and approach problems creatively really stood out. They remembered me as the candidate who turned the whiteboard session into a lively discussion.

Now, a year later, I’m loving my role at the company. That interview taught me the importance of being open and collaborative. Sometimes, just being yourself and showing your passion can make all the difference. Thought I’d share in case you’re gearing up for an interview and looking for ways to leave a lasting impression. 
